California residents may know that October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The aim is to make people aware of the issue as well as help find ways to solve it. In recent years and decades, there have been steps both forward and backward when it comes to how...
Comprehensive Solutions to Difficult Family Law Issues
Domestic Violence
States with gun surrender laws have lower rates of homicide
California is one of the 14 states with laws that require people who are the subject of domestic violence restraining orders to turn in their guns. A study has shown that the rates of intimate-partner homicides are lower in those states than in the states that do not...
The link between disasters and domestic violence
After a disaster such as Hurricane Harvey, victims of domestic violence may be more at risk. The risk of domestic violence may increase after a disaster in California or elsewhere because of the stress it places on people. Stress is generally the result of injuries or...
California to enforce Canadian restraining orders
A California bill that allows law enforcement agencies in the state to enforce Canadian orders of protection has been signed into law. Not only does the bill allow police to better protect those seeking protection from domestic violence, but it will also improve...
Enforcing an out-of-state order of protection
If a person moves to California after being granted an order of protection in another state, they may wonder if the order can still be enforced. In short, the order will be enforced as long as certain requirements are met. There are three main requirements that must...
Renewal of protective order not dependent on new abuse
Law enforcement officers in California respond to domestic violence calls by the thousands. To aid people and families affected by domestic abuse, the Family Violence Appellate Project appeals court decisions that fail to protect victims. The nonprofit victim advocacy...
What happens when a restraining order is granted
A person in California may decide to file a restraining against someone who has been violent towards them or threatened to be violent towards them. Even if the person who is being restrained did not threaten the victim's children, a restraining order will protect the...
Children caught in domestic violence crossfire
An abusive relationship between California parents can be difficult to correct. Even when the victim files for a divorce, the safety and emotional health of the children could still be at risk. Although the best interests of the child guide the law, the result could...
Convicted of Domestic Violence? How it could affect custody
Everyone makes poor choices at one time or another. If you have a domestic violence conviction, it's probably not something you're proud of. You love your kids and you want to be a part of their lives. But you're getting divorced and you worry: how will my domestic...
Sarah Palin’s son in domestic violence incident
Physical abuse may be an issue for a California couple as it was for Sarah Palin's 26-year-old son Track and his girlfriend in January. The incident occurred during a drunken argument between the two, and he was arrested that night. He has been in other alcohol-fueled...