Regardless of who earned an income during a marriage, both parties have their own financial interests to tend to if the marriage comes to an end. California residents should look to open their own bank accounts, learn the basics of financial management and close all...
Comprehensive Solutions to Difficult Family Law Issues
Divorce stress: How to handle a contentious divorce
There is no question about the emotional distress a divorce can cause. You're losing someone whom you believed you would be with for many years, if not a lifetime. Unfortunately, the reality is that the situation calls for you to separate.Knowing that your marriage...
Your new divorce: 5 tips for handling your divorce
You never thought you'd be someone who would go through a divorce. You loved your spouse when you got married, and in some ways, you still do. The reality just is that you can't be with your spouse and that your marriage isn't working.Now, you want to make sure the...
Splitting retirement accounts while avoiding taxes, penalties
A 2016 survey of members of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers found that retirement plans were the second most common topic of conflict in a divorce. In first place was alimony and in third place was business interests. California couples may have to face...
Divorce planning can preserve financial futures
California couples planning a trip down the altar might also want to consider making contingency plans to safeguard against a failed marriage. The wisdom of having health and life insurance policies is unquestioned, and taking similar precautions regarding assets...
Keeping assets in line: Proving what you own to avoid losing out
California is a special state, because it, among few others, recognizes community property. While most states now understand that equitably splitting assets is a good way to do things, California relies on a method similar to that used in Mexico and other nations...
Digital visitation gives you a better connection to your child
You never wanted to get a divorce while your child was still under your roof, but obstacles in your marriage have become too much. You and your spouse agree that it's time to get a divorce, but you aren't sure how to handle custody. Your spouse wants to take a job a...
Tax implications of a divorce
When California couples get a divorce, there are a number of tax considerations they should keep in mind. If the divorce was finalized by the last day of the year, the couple should file their tax returns separately. Couples whose divorce was not yet final, even if...
Helping teens cope with divorce: 3 tips
While children often have no real say in a divorce, when your kids reach older ages, they begin to have a lot to say about your relationships and how you handle them. When your children are teens, they begin to have their own opinions and ideas of how their life is...
4 things to consider before filing for divorce
There's a point in some relationships where at least one person understands that it's no longer working. In some cases, it's possible to save a marriage, but in others, a divorce is the only real option. Before you decide that divorce is the only option for you, you...