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How to make education decisions when sharing custody in California

On Behalf of | Jul 26, 2023 | Child Custody

It’s hard for California parents to navigate parenting after divorce. Parents are expected to communicate with each other to make decisions regarding things like bedtime, punishments, and education.

Communicating with your ex can be extremely difficult after a divorce, especially if you aren’t on good speaking terms. It’s important to know your education rights when it comes to parenting your children while sharing child custody.

Who normally has education rights?

Biological parents with custody over their children have a right to make decisions regarding the child’s education. This is true even after divorce, even if you don’t have primary custody over your children.

As long as the court has not determined otherwise, both parents have an equal say in their children’s education. Both parents also have equal rights to information involving the children’s education – school records, reports, etc.

Regardless of custodial arrangements, both parents should have equal opportunities to be involved in the child’s education. This includes opportunities to attend extracurricular activities or meetings with the children’s teachers.

Can you lose the right to make education decisions?

You can’t make educational decisions on behalf of your child if you aren’t granted custody or parental rights over the child. There may be instances where the court prohibits one parent from making education decisions on behalf of their child.

The court can grant someone else educational rights over your child. This means another person – potentially a family member – will be making educational decisions on your child’s behalf. They will also have the right to attend school functions and access school records.

If you and your ex-spouse can’t agree on decisions regarding your child’s education, you can bring it up in family court. Going to court over educational rights should be a last resort, reserved for only extreme cases. It’s important to work together with your ex-spouse to make parenting decisions together.