Celebrities in California and around the country often represent a source of drama when their relationships turn south. Tyrese, the actor and rapper involved in a child custody dispute with his ex-wife, has endured public ridicule after one of his Instagram posts went viral. He wept in a video as he described paying $13,000 a month in child support while being unable to see his daughter.
This action followed the conclusion of a child abuse investigation. His ex-wife accused him of attacking their young child. Authorities dropped their inquiry into the allegations that he abused the 10-year-old girl, but his ex-wife continues to pursue a permanent restraining order against him.
In a subsequent social media post, Tyrese claimed that Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith offered him $5 million, but the actors deny such a conversation ever occurred. Tyrese acknowledged his erratic actions in a message to his fans and said that he had flushed his “psych meds” down the toilet. In his latest action, he has dismissed his attorney and intends to represent himself at his next child custody hearing.
Strong emotions are normal when a parent faces a child custody dispute. An attorney might provide advice and support that enable a parent to navigate the family court system. An attorney could defend a client’s parental rights by petitioning a court to enforce a child custody order or modify the terms of a current order. Outside of court, an attorney might attempt to engage the other parent in negotiations. The intervention of an attorney could prevent hostile arguments and help the parents focus on resolving their disagreement.
Source: Rolling Out, “Tyrese will reportedly act as his own attorney in his child custody hearing“, A.R. Shaw, Nov. 13, 2017