Sociologists say that a new trend appears to be emerging in the area of family law. Research conducted at Bowling Green University says that the divorce rate among people over the age of 50 has been rising, while the divorce rate for younger Americans has showed signs of leveling off.
The researchers say that in 1990, only about 10 percent of divorces involved people over the age of 50. By 2010, divorces involving people over 50 jumped to one out of every four divorce proceedings.
The lead researcher says that the results surprised the sociologists conducting the study. But the researcher says that several factors have probably contributed to an apparent aging in couples who divorce.
Obviously, the aging baby boom generation is a significant factor in the apparent shift in the mature American divorce rate. More women in the work force are also a contributing factor, according to the sociologists. Other factors may also be apparent, but it is important to note that generally, older California couples who decide to end a marriage may have different interests in a divorce proceeding than 30-something couples.
Many people in their 50s and 60s (or more) who decide to divorce may have children, but the children are generally also older—meaning that a couple may not have issues related to child support and custody to hammer out in reaching a divorce settlement. Commentators say that health insurance coverage may be more of an issue. Older couple may have more assets, leading to property division issues.
Filing for divorce can be a tough decision at any age. The process may seem daunting. Pleasanton , California area residents who may be considering a divorce may find that a family law attorney can help a husband or wife in reaching an equitable agreement in a California divorce, while helping to protect interests in an individual’s set of circumstances.
Source: The Desert Sun, “Divorce way up with over-65 set,” Leslie Mann–Chicago Tribune, May 29, 2013